It’s that time of year again when we start to think about which of our members need bees and who is willing and able to provide bees.
We want to make it much easier for our members to acquire locally raised bees rather than buying them in from elsewhere. The Association has a number of polystyrene nucs available to loan to members who are raising nucs to sell within the Association.
Please let me know if:
- You may be able to raise nucs for mbka members (please get in touch if you want to discuss this)
- You are willing to collect swarms
- You are looking to buy bees this year.
I also need to know hive types and frame size.
Beginners are advised to get specially raised nucleus colonies with new queens. If you are on our beginners course Paul will ask you if you want bees this year and let me know your hive type and frame size, so you don’t need to reply to this. HOWEVER – build your hive and make your frames before you need them. All too often a nuc becomes available but the person it was intended for is not ready for it so it goes to someone else. A decent nucleus colony will grow too quickly to stay in a nuc box for long waiting for you to build your hive!
Non-beginners – please let me know if you are prepared to take a full sized colony, a swarm that may or may not be queen right and has not been health checked or whether you are only interested in purposely raised nucs.
When distributing specially raised nucleus colonies priority is given to the first colony for each of those on our beginners course.
You can expect nucs to become available during June and July.
Any questions, please do get in touch.
Pauline Aslin (Secretary)