To WBKA Association Secretaries
Dear Pauline
The deadline for applications to take the Basic Assessment this summer is May 1st .
As you are aware, the WBKA is committed to getting beekeepers in Wales through this Assessment. This is an ideal time for you to approach your members and to find out who might be interested in taking the Assessment this summer.
We will be writing to each Association Secretary and Education Officer to try and arrange some calls to offer our assistance and guidance to encourage more candidates to take the Basic Assessment. There are various methods to encourage your members to take the Assessment – maybe you could hold a Study Group to look at the Syllabus? This would be a way to ensure that everyone knows a basic swarm control method and also what they need to look for in their colonies regarding notifiable diseases. Also, as the weather, hopefully, gets warmer a practice section could be held at an apiary.
It is quite possible that members do not consider taking the Assessment as they think of it as an exam. This is so obviously not the case and we need to be able to reassure members that the Assessment is just that – an assessment. In most cases, those members eligible to take the assessment will already have the level of knowledge required
Click here for the syllabus and entry form.
Cofion cynnes / Kind regards,
WBKA Learning and Development Committee